Plastic Surgery Trends for The Rest of 2022


The plastic surgery industry continues to grow and social media’s influence has allowed for patients to feel proud and be more transparent about their cosmetic enhancements. Demand for cosmetic procedures has increased with more and more people working from home and spending hours and hours on webcams, as well as having more time at their disposal. In this blog, we’ll be focusing on plastic surgery trends for the rest of 2022!

1. Injectables

It shouldn’t come to you as a surprise that Botox and fillers are becoming more and more common among all generations of patients. Injectables are more affordable enhancement options, they can provide natural-looking subtle results, as well as offer minimal to no downtime and are minimally invasive.

2. Male Patients

More plastic surgeons are noticing the increase in men opting for plastic surgery. When cosmetic plastic surgery first became accessible, it was solely marketed to women. Now more and more men are seeking cosmetic enhancements and anti-aging treatments alongside surgeries including procedures to enhance their visible masculinity (ie. alterations to jaw and chin).

3. Body Contouring

Fitness alongside a healthy balanced diet is essential to look and feel great. Health-conscious patients also do appreciate the results that body contouring procedures offer to enhance their healthy bodies. Some areas of the body simply do not respond to diet and lifestyle changes and in this case body contouring can take these healthy patients to the next level in their fitness results. Some procedures may include fat transfer, mommy makeovers, liposuction, and augmentation to the buttocks.

4. Au Natural

While plastic surgery and medi-spa treatments have certainly become less taboo, patients still prefer their results to look conservative and natural. These days, patients are looking to enhance their natural features and have minor adjustsments rather than overexaggerate their enhancements and results. Most often patients seek procedures that the surgeon can assure will appear undetectable to family and peers.

5. Combo Procedures

Less downtime is always better. That’s why patients are enjoying combining multiple procedures at once to condense lengthy and isolated recovery periods and achieve simultaneous results. Many procedures combined prove themselves quite effective, for example, a facelift combined with a blepharoplasty and/or neck lift.

6. Revisions

It is very common for patients to come to Elements Spa to have revisions made to previous surgeries. As always, we recommend all patients choose the right plastic surgeon for them. They should be board-certified surgeons who specialize in your desired surgery and have years of experience performing the procedure. In this case you can minimize the chance of needing a revision surgery as well as assure satisfying and natural-looking results. 

Click here to learn more or to book a consultation with one of Toronto’s leading board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeons, Dr. Adibfar.

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