Dr. Sara Celik

ND, HMC naturopathic doctor / homeopathic master clinician


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Detoxification & Biotherapeutic Drainage

From chemical pesticides to industrial pollutants, our air, water, and land are laced with toxic chemicals. These all endanger human health and the environment. Biotherapeutic drainage and detox programs that we offer remove accumulated toxins and restore the functioning of vital organs.

If the eliminatory organs are not functioning properly, toxins are left with no place to go and remain inside the cells of the body. This, in turn, leads to the progression or development of the disease.

Biotherapeutic drainage and detoxification penetrates into the cells to dislodge toxins while supporting the organs and tissues involved. Detoxification has been shown to be very effective in treating both acute and chronic conditions in a gentle and highly effective manner. This treatment does not interfere with pharmaceutical drugs and therefore does not require you to discontinue any course of treatment that you might already be on.